The travel industry is growing at a rapid pace as transportation becomes cheaper and easier, and the idea of traveling becomes more main stream. However, concern is also rising over the diverse effects of tourism, as well as its sustainability. As a tourism graduate student, I've been learning about the idea of “responsible tourism,” which aims to manage tourism to reduce negative impacts and encourage positive effects. As an avid traveler and someone who is curious about the changing nature of tourism, I decided to structure my next trip around the topic of responsible travel. I felt a blog might be a good way to share my experience with other travelers, and vicarious travelers. So, enjoy :)
During my trip, I’ll be visiting places and meeting people that seem to be demonstrating responsible travel characteristics. Another goal is to speak with people I meet, locals, tour operators, guides, guest house owners, and other travelers on their knowledge and views of “travel,” “sustainability,” and general thoughts on tourism. I’m also going to try and be more conscientious of my own effects while travelling. Let me be clear, I am by no means an expert in these areas, and I acknowledge language will probably be a barrier. This is just my personal account of trying to learn more about Indonesia, the idea of responsible travel, and the travel industry in general.